Edited and published by Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani

” In over 50 years as a Yoga practitioner and 40+ as a teacher, I have read hundreds of different yoga journals, magazines and newsletters… there are none that I look forward to more than Yoga Life. “
Leigh Blashki
Founder Australian Institute of Yoga Therapy, Past-President Yoga Australia, Board of Directors IAYT
This International monthly journal in English was founded in 1968. Yoga Life is edited by Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani and is dedicated to expounding the teachings of Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda and articles by him on practical aspects of Ashtanga Yoga, as well as scholarly and philosophical aspects of various Yogic topics appear in each issue. Articles by Yogamani Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi on various Yogic ideas, as well as Yogic poetry, short fiction and essays are published. Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, son and successor of Swami Gitananda, regularly presents scientifically based Yogic essays. Leading figures in the world of Yoga regularly submit articles for publication and news of happenings in the world Yogic community is also reported. The magazine provides a good link with India, the home of Yoga, expounding the science from within its cultural background
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Download a year’s worth of Ananda Ashram’s international monthly journal, Yoga Life. Each annual eJournal collection contains twelve issues – a must for all students of Swami Gitananda Giri as it offers an opportunity to read articles in years past, including many penned by the Guru himself decades ago.
CLICK HERE to see currently available eJournal annual volumes
Get a bound volume of a year’s worth of Ananda Ashram’s international monthly journal, Yoga Life. Each annual volume containing twelve issues that are beautifully bound – a perfect addition to any Yoga library and a must for all students of Swami Gitananda Giri as it offers an opportunity to read articles from years past, including many penned by the Guru himself decades ago.
The Yoga Life annual bound volumes are available from the years 1990 until 2007. For details on how to order, please contact